Pinterest, Inc. (traded as: NYSE PINS at ) is a social networking website where people can share their views, stories, ideas, etc. via collection called “Pinboard.” The company is headquartered in California, US, and offers marketing services to brands. Through Pinterest pages, people around the globe can easily connect with businesses and get an insight into the products. This helps businesses to make their virtual presence and increase customer base by connecting with people who share the same interests and tastes.
Performance and portfolio analysis of PINS
Pinterest has developed an audience base at a fast pace and has 335 million users at present. The balance sheet report shows a $1.7billion cash in hand and no debt. In the 4th Quartile 2019, the company outperformed on its estimated earnings per share (EPS)and had a rise of 34% y-o-y average revenue per share (ARPU),which is a positive sign of profitability ratio. However, hedge fund performances by other groups of stocks which are close to PINS market value have on average, 31.75 hedge funds. Though the PINS isn’t among the most popular stock still it is above average with a hedge fund of 37 in 1st quartile 2020.
According to the analysts, the PINS stock rate is at an average of 27.43. The range lies between 14.00 to 35.00. Though the company reported a $1.4 billion net loss in 2019 due to large spending on R&D and marketing, the revenue growth rose up 8% because of monthly active users and so the chances are that the valuation can change amidst coronavirus fear.
Investors reaction amidst COVID-19