Finding the right divorce lawyer in Connecticut: An overview!

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Connecticut allows for no-fault divorce. Sadly, divorces are hardly simple. When a couple (either or both spouses) decides to file for divorce, they already have points of contention, which haven’t been resolved within the marriage. Hiring a lawyer in Connecticut is not mandatory. However, considering legal complications and other important matters like alimony, child custody, and child support, you may want to engage a lawyer immediately. If you are looking for divorce lawyers near me, here are some tips to consider. 

Check credentials

As a potential client, you have every right to ask questions when you meet an attorney for the first time. Knowing the credentials of an attorney is important, and you can have questions like – 

  1. How long have you been working as a family law attorney?
  2. What do you think of my circumstances? Have you handled similar cases?
  3. Do you have experience of both contested and uncontested divorces?
  4. What is your success rate?
  5. How often do you handle divorces at trial?

 If you want to know a lawyer better, you can look up for testimonials and reviews online, or can ask for references. 


Filing for divorce may not be extremely expensive, but over a period of time, other costs may add up. Ask the family law attorney about their fee in advance, besides expenses that are likely in the case. Divorce attorneys often work on an hourly rate, but make sure that the attorney you meet is the one working on your case. You don’t want to pay for an expensive lawyer, only to be represented by their junior or associate. 

Discuss the basics

Firstly, ask the attorney how he or she plans to communicate with you. A lawyer should be available to their clients. Secondly, ask the attorney if they mediate cases and practice collaborative law. It is also worth asking if the lawyer knows the attorney working for your spouse. Also, get unbiased advice on how you can settle things through mediation instead of litigation. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the marriage, both mediation and litigation can have merits and demerits. Ask your lawyer if they think the matter will go to trial. 

Don’t rush into hiring a divorce lawyer. Meet an attorney in person to know what they can do for you. However, there is no denying that having a divorce lawyer in Connecticut always helps in easing the process.