For Grocery Purpose Choose the Best Reusable Bags

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Plastic bags are slowly eroding the planet where we live. Plastic bags can pollute our water and storm drains, potentially leading to flooding. They also choke wildlife. All this is on top of the natural resource waste. Plastic bags can take 400 to 1,000 years for the environment to degrade. This is particularly important in the ocean where plastic pieces make up 90% of man-made litter. They also pollute landmasses. You might be wrong if you believe paper bags are better in our environment. While paper bags can be biodegradable, they are not always welcome additions to the landfill. Making them also requires the cutting and processing of trees. A reusable bag is the best option for an environmentally friendly bag. A reusable bag is the best option for an environmentally friendly bag. You can take it with you everywhere and reuse it every time.

If you are fond of shopping then you may be visiting different shops often to bring either grocery items or fruits and vegetables or any other items of your choice. For every trip to store, you will need proper shopping bags. These days, many states have banned the use of plastic shopping bags in order to reduce garbage and also promote better environment protection. Even if your state has not yet banned the use of plastic bags, you must stop using them. Instead start using various other environment friendly reusable bags.

By using environment friendly reusable bags, not only you protect our environment, but also make our life easier. People generally use plastic bags only once and then throw away these bags as garbage, which becomes a waste product. These bags cannot be easily degraded and thus damage our landscape and pose great danger to wildlife too. Therefore, it is our duty to switch to any reusable grocery bags that are not only durable, but environment friendly as well.

Following are few options that you have to select the right kind of material for your reusable bags.

  • Cotton

Cotton bags are one of the best option for grocery bags, as cotton is a durable material. Besides that, cotton bags can be easily washed by using our washing machine at home. Organic cotton can be better choice as it is much better for our environment, but it can be littler costlier as compared to natural fiber cotton. You can also choose recycled cotton, which are made by recycling reclaimed or any post-industrial recycled cotton materials.

  • Laminated

Nowadays such bags are also becoming a popular choice as reusable bags. They are made out of woven polypropylene, laminated recycled PET or laminated non-woven polypropylene material. Such types of bags can be easily cleaned by either wiping or spraying. You can get such full color bags with both glossy as well as matte finish.

  • Synthetic or polyester

This is another recyclable bag, which is found in use and this material is a bi-product of any natural oil or gas producing lines. However, this material is not biodegradable.

Shapes and style

Based on our lifestyle, reusable shopping bags are available in many different shapes and sizes. In case, you live in any urban location where you may not be using your car too often and prefer to travel through various public transports. Therefore, there are bags available that can be easily carried in various public transports. There are bags available, which are perfect for any car. Some bags are foldable so that you can also carry them in your purse or pocket after folding them.

There are different types of handles also available for such bags. You can either carry them like any handbags and also carry them on your shoulders. You can choose your bags according to your style of living.

Tips for using reusable bags

We use disposable bags made of paper and plastics and therefore we need to learn how to use these reusable bags.

  • Better keep these bags in your car and not in house, as you will often forget to carry them while going for shopping.
  • Make sure that you have enough number of bags
  • Wash them regularly

Such reusable bags will give you great shopping experience.