The night sky is filled with stars, so it can be hard to pick just one to gift to a special someone. But if you’re looking for a unique and meaningful present, naming a star after them can be the perfect way to show your love. However, there are some important things you need to know before buy a star gift for someone. Let’s discuss what you should consider before making your purchase.
Is It Legal?
It may seem like naming a star in honor of someone is too good to be true, but it is actually legal! After all, no one can own a star; they are public domain. However, companies that offer star-naming packages must have authorization from the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Otherwise, they might not be able to guarantee that your chosen name will appear in the official registry of stars and constellations. To make sure you get an authentic experience, look for an authorized IAU registrar when selecting your package.
What Do You Get?
When purchasing a star gift for someone else, it’s important to understand exactly what comes with the package. Most companies provide their customers with several items such as personalized certificates stating that their chosen star has been officially registered under its new name, coordinates of the star’s location in the night sky, and maps showing where they can find their new heavenly body in relation to other constellations. Some companies even include additional items like jewelry or apparel featuring images of galaxies and celestial bodies. So make sure you’ve read through all the details thoroughly before buying a package that may not contain everything you want it to have.
What Will It Cost?
The price of naming stars can vary widely depending on the company selling them and what type of package they offer. Generally speaking though, basic packages usually cost around $50 while more elaborate ones can run up into hundreds or even thousands of dollars depending on how many extras are included with them such as jewelry or apparel featuring astronomical images or access to online educational resources about astronomy and space exploration. When deciding which package is right for you and your budget, remember that sometimes paying more for something doesn’t necessarily mean getting more in return—so shop around until you find something that fits both your needs and price range!
Now that you know what to consider before buying a star gift for someone special, it’s time for you to start shopping around! Naming stars has become increasingly popular over the last few years due to its affordability and sentimental value—so don’t wait any longer! Find an authorized IAU registrar who offers packages tailored specifically towards your budget and preferences so that your recipient will receive something truly extraordinary! With so many options available now at different price points there’s never been an easier way than now to show someone how much they mean to you by gifting them their very own piece of the night sky!